Mysteries in the archives deciphers one of the ICRC’s films 30 August 2021, Archives / Audiovisual / Film/videoMarina Meier, film archives Since 2009, the documentary series Mysteries in the archives has been deciphering images filmed for more than a century around the world. In ...
The ICRC film archives 10 August 2021, Archives / Audiovisual / Film/video / Research GuidesMarina Meier, film archives ICRC films In 1921, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) produces four films ...
The ICRC’s filmography turns 100. Timeline 1921-2021 9 June 2021, Archives / Audiovisual / Film/videoSamuele Capovilla and Marina Meier, film archives This year, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) celebrates the 100th anniversary of its first film. As you scroll through this ...
The ICRC filmography is 100 years old. What the films of 1921 were about? 6 June 2021, Archives / Audiovisual / Film/videoMarina Meier, film archives At the beginning of 1921, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) produces four films which it presents to the public for ...
Prisonnier de guerre…: when fiction staked its place in the ICRC’s filmography 14 April 2021, Archives / Articles / Audiovisual / Film/videoPauline Juvet, film archives In the course of the Second World War, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) made several motion pictures with which it ...
The ICRC filmography is 100 years old. Journey into the past 28 January 2021, Archives / Audiovisual / Film/videoMarina Meier, film archives 1921-2021: the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is celebrating this year the 100th anniversary of its first film. This is an ...
The ICRC’s film archives from yesterday to nowadays 8 December 2020, Archives / Audiovisual / Film/videoMarina Meier, film archives For a century, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has been producing films to document and publicize its work to protect ...
You have mail: Letter from Lebanon, a film by John Ash (4) 26 March 2020, Archives / Articles / Audiovisual / Film/videoPatrizia Romagnoli, film archives Fourth and final part of the article “You have mail: Letter from Lebanon, a film by John Ash”, an analysis of this short ...
You have mail: Letter from Lebanon, a film by John Ash (3) 24 March 2020, Archives / Articles / Audiovisual / Film/videoPatrizia Romagnoli, film archives Third part of the article “You have mail: Letter from Lebanon, a film by John Ash”, an analysis of this short film produced ...
You have mail: Letter from Lebanon, a film by John Ash (2) 19 March 2020, Archives / Articles / Audiovisual / Film/videoPatrizia Romagnoli, film archives Second part of the article “You have mail: Letter from Lebanon, a film by John Ash”, an analysis of this short film produced ...