Drafting history of the 1977 Additional Protocols 16 October 2019, Library / Research Guides The first two Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 were adopted on 8 June 1977. Numerous expert meetings were organized in ...
Reflections on the development of the Movement and international humanitarian law through the lens of the ICRC Library’s Heritage Collection 26 July 2019, CrosswiseIsmaël Raboud, Matthieu Niederhauser and Charlotte Mohr New piece on the Heritage Collection published by the Library team in the International Review of the Red Cross! Abstract The International Committee ...
The ICRC during World War I 3 June 2019, Archives / Audiovisual / Crosswise / Library / Research Guides World War I represents a major turn in the history of the International Committee of ...
IHL Bibliography – 3rd issue 2018 15 April 2019, Bibliographies / Library The new IHL Bibliography is out! As usual, it presents references to English and French publications on international humanitarian law based on books ...
Fridtjof Nansen 20 February 2019, Library / PortraitsCharlotte Mohr, Library The ICRC Library’s collections retrace over 150 years of the history of the International Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. Its ...
History of the International Committee of the Red Cross in 5 Volumes 20 February 2019, Archives / Crosswise / Library / Research Guides “[…] it is the record of an institution which, though lacking the means to prevent armed conflicts, tries to limit the harm they ...
Three presidents in the field: Cornelio Sommaruga; Jakob Kellenberger; Peter Maurer 29 January 2019, Archives / Articles / Audiovisual / Film/videoElodie Dupas, film archives The richness of the film archives of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has already allowed the study of several topics. ...
Around the world in 80 films… or almost 10 January 2019, Archives / Audiovisual / Film/videoMarina Meier, film archives Like the heroes of Jules Verne’s novel, we have travelled around the world in eighty-nine steps on our Facebook page throughout the year. ...
The ICRC during World War II 26 November 2018, Archives / Audiovisual / Crosswise / Library / Research Guides Conceived as an entry point into the ICRC Library and Archives’ rich collections, this research ...
IHL Bibliography – 2nd Issue 2018 9 October 2018, Bibliographies / Library The new IHL Bibliography is out! As usual, it presents references to English and French publications on IHL based on books and articles ...