Jean de Preux 6 July 2021, Library / PortraitsCharlotte Mohr, ICRC Library The adoption of the four 1949 Geneva Conventions marked the beginning of a new era for the ICRC in its role as promoter ...
Marguerite Gautier-Van Berchem – an emblematic figure 3 May 2021, Portraits / Tracing ArchivesMarie Allemann, Archives Agence Very early on, the ICRC set up information agencies in order to restore contact between family members separated by conflict and ease the ...
The long journey of an Italian prisoner of war 30 April 2020, Archives / Portraits / Tracing ArchivesMarie Allemann, Archives Agence Find out the long journey of an Italian prisoner of war during the Second World War. The Italian prisoners of war captured by ...
Hugo Pratt and ICRC in Ethiopia 16 April 2020, Archives / Portraits / Tracing ArchivesMarie Allemann, Archives Agence Hugo Pratt, author of the comic book series “Corto Maltese”, is one of the celebrities registered in the archives of the Central Prisoners ...
Renée-Marguerite Frick-Cramer 12 March 2020, Library / PortraitsCamille Meyre, Library Renée-Marguerite Frick-Cramer was an important figure of the International Committee of the Red Cross in the early 20th century. A legal scholar and ...
Marcel Junod 28 January 2020, Library / PortraitsCamille Meyre, Library In an article published in the International Review of the Red Cross in 2007, Marcel Junod is introduced as the “spiritual father for ...
Fridtjof Nansen 20 February 2019, Library / PortraitsCharlotte Mohr, Library The ICRC Library’s collections retrace over 150 years of the history of the International Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. Its ...
Clara Barton 27 September 2018, Library / PortraitsCharlotte Mohr, Library The ICRC Library’s collections retrace over 150 years of the history of the International Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. Its ...
Florence Nightingale 13 August 2018, Library / PortraitsCharlotte Mohr, Library The ICRC Library’s collections retrace over 150 years of the history of the International Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. Its rare ...
Marco Flaks, a Radio Journalist Serving the Red Cross Principles 30 May 2016, Audio / Audiovisual / Portraits Marco Flaks, a Radio Journalist Serving the Red Cross Principles Thanks to the opening of the audiovisual archives portal to the general public, ...