You have mail: Letter from Lebanon, a film by John Ash (4) 26 March 2020, Archives / Articles / Audiovisual / Film/videoPatrizia Romagnoli, film archives Fourth and final part of the article “You have mail: Letter from Lebanon, a film by John Ash”, an analysis of this short ...
You have mail: Letter from Lebanon, a film by John Ash (3) 24 March 2020, Archives / Articles / Audiovisual / Film/videoPatrizia Romagnoli, film archives Third part of the article “You have mail: Letter from Lebanon, a film by John Ash”, an analysis of this short film produced ...
You have mail: Letter from Lebanon, a film by John Ash (2) 19 March 2020, Archives / Articles / Audiovisual / Film/videoPatrizia Romagnoli, film archives Second part of the article “You have mail: Letter from Lebanon, a film by John Ash”, an analysis of this short film produced ...
You have mail: Letter from Lebanon, a film by John Ash (1) 17 March 2020, Archives / Articles / Audiovisual / Film/videoPatrizia Romagnoli, film archives Letter from Lebanon was filmed in 1983 [1] eight years after the civil war had broken out in the country. A sensitive and ...
The ICRC during World War I 3 June 2019, Archives / Audiovisual / Crosswise / Library / Research Guides World War I represents a major turn in the history of the International Committee of ...
Three presidents in the field: Cornelio Sommaruga; Jakob Kellenberger; Peter Maurer 29 January 2019, Archives / Articles / Audiovisual / Film/videoElodie Dupas, film archives The richness of the film archives of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has already allowed the study of several topics. ...
Around the world in 80 films… or almost 10 January 2019, Archives / Audiovisual / Film/videoMarina Meier, film archives Like the heroes of Jules Verne’s novel, we have travelled around the world in eighty-nine steps on our Facebook page throughout the year. ...
The ICRC during World War II 26 November 2018, Archives / Audiovisual / Crosswise / Library / Research Guides Conceived as an entry point into the ICRC Library and Archives’ rich collections, this research ...
Filming the exodus 4 January 2018, Archives / Articles / Audiovisual / Film/videoJulie Farine, film archives Within three years, the oldest films in the archives of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) will celebrate their 100th anniversary. ...
Mr. Ador’s spring: the rebirth of a film 14 October 2017, Archives / Articles / Audiovisual / Film/videoMarina Meier, film archives When we arrived at the Swiss National Film Archive, Jean-Blaise Junod, director and film restorer, Jean-François Pitteloud, ICRC deputy archivist, and I could ...