Renée-Marguerite Frick-Cramer 12 March 2020, Library / PortraitsCamille Meyre, Library Renée-Marguerite Frick-Cramer was an important figure of the International Committee of the Red Cross in the early 20th century. A legal scholar and ...
Marcel Junod 28 January 2020, Library / PortraitsCamille Meyre, Library In an article published in the International Review of the Red Cross in 2007, Marcel Junod is introduced as the “spiritual father for ...
The ICRC during World War II 26 November 2018, Archives / Audiovisual / Crosswise / Library / Research Guides Conceived as an entry point into the ICRC Library and Archives’ rich collections, this research ...
Prosecuting War Crimes after the Second World War: The Nuremberg and Tokyo Trials 22 May 2018, Library Predecessors of the International Criminal Court, the Nuremberg (November 1945 – October 1946) and Tokyo (May 1946 – November 1948) war crime trials ...