What restrains armed actors from committing atrocities? May 24, 2016 3 mins read Events and highlights / Videos The editors What are the factors that lead armed actors to restrain from committing violations of international humanitarian law (IHL)? This question lies at the ...
Greater respect for the law will ease the suffering of forced displacement – ICRC President May 23, 2016 1 mins read Events and highlights / Videos / World Humanitarian Summit The editors On 23 May 2016 at the World Humanitarian Summit, ICRC President Peter Maurer addressed the high-level roundtable “Leaving no one behind: A commitment ...
On the way to Istanbul: What can we expect from the Summit? May 20, 2016 4 mins read Events and highlights / Videos / World Humanitarian Summit The editors What can we expect from the upcoming World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul, a first-of-its kind gathering of more than six thousand people representing ...
UN development agenda must not obscure humanitarian action, says ICRC policy chief May 18, 2016 1 mins read Videos / World Humanitarian Summit The editors In this video interview, Hugo Slim explains ICRC’s approach to the World Humanitarian Summit, held in Istanbul on 23-24 May 2016. The ICRC ...
International Review: Principles guiding humanitarian action April 15, 2016 5 mins read Counterterrorism / Online publications / Religion / Sexual Violence The year 2015 was marked by a major anniversary for the International Red Cross and ...
Workshop: Rights and responsibilities of medical personnel during emergencies April 15, 2016 2 mins read Law and Conflict / Online learning Universities can help enhance respect for the impartial and safe provision of health care in conflicts and other emergencies. To assist them in ...
Workshop: Engaging with students and professors on the issue of sexual violence in armed conflicts April 15, 2016 2 mins read Online learning / Sexual Violence The ICRC assists universities in raising awareness about sexual violence in armed conflict by providing teaching material about the issue. Based on its ...
Conference cycle: Generating respect for the law April 14, 2016 10 mins read Events and highlights / Law and Conflict / Religion / Sexual Violence / Videos The Conference Cycle on Generating Respect for the Law is a series of high-level public ...
Launch of ICRC’s Updated Commentary on the First Geneva Convention April 14, 2016 4 mins read Events and highlights / Law and Conflict / Online publications / Sexual Violence / Videos The editors Since their adoption in 1949, the Geneva Conventions have been put to the test and ...
Conference cycle: Principles guiding humanitarian action April 13, 2016 11 mins read Events and highlights / Videos The seven Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement are the expression of a set of values and experiences ...
Conference cycle: New technologies and the modern battlefield April 11, 2016 7 mins read Events and highlights / Law and Conflict / Videos New technologies and the modern battlefield: Humanitarian perspectives was a series of high-level public events and experts meetings coordinated by the ICRC on several ...
Exhibition shines light on ICRC’s efforts to generate respect for the law April 9, 2016 2 mins read Events and highlights / Law and Conflict On 22 March 2016, the ICRC launched a new exhibition at the Humanitarium, offering a unique insight into the organization’s longstanding efforts to generate ...