Vincent Bernard

Vincent Bernard is the previous Editor-in-Chief of the International Review of the Red Cross. He is also the head of the Law and Policy Forum, which leads ICRC’s engagement with expert audiences interested in teaching, researching and debating international humanitarian law (IHL). The unit also runs the Humanitarium conference center in Geneva. Vincent Bernard worked for the ICRC in the field in Dakar, Nairobi and Jerusalem and has travelled extensively in most ICRC’s operations. Prior to joining the organization, he studied political science, law and international relations in Geneva, Strasbourg and London. Currently he is the Executive in Residence for the Geneva Centre for Security Policy.
Posts by the contributor
War on your doorstep: A visual journey through the everyday realities of urban warfare
5 mins read Humanitarian Action / Stories Vincent Bernard
Just out! New issue of the Review on migration and displacement
12 mins read Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / Migration / The most read blog posts in 2018 Jovana Kuzmanovic & Vincent Bernard
Just out! New Review issue on human cost of detention
9 mins read Detention / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict Ellen Policinski & Vincent Bernard
Changing the narrative on international humanitarian law
10 mins read Analysis / Generating Respect for IHL / Humanitarian Action / Influencing Behaviour in Armed Conflict / Law and Conflict Juliane Garcia Ravel & Vincent Bernard
War in cities: How to treat the disease without killing the patient?
12 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / Review-related / Sexual Violence Vincent Bernard
Are we living through the worst period in history?
10 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / Review-related / Sexual Violence Vincent Bernard
Nuclear weapons: Rising in defence of humanity
8 mins read Law and Conflict / Online publications Ellen Policinski & Vincent Bernard
Introducing Humanitarian Law & Policy
3 mins read Sexual Violence / World Humanitarian Summit Raphaël Dallaire Ferland & Vincent Bernard