Shining a spotlight on sexual violence in war: The 2018 Nobel Peace Prize October 11, 2018 8 mins read Analysis / Gender and conflict / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / Sexual Violence Helen Durham The Nobel Committee have awarded the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize to Nadia Murad and Denis ...
Revisiting the nexus: Numbers, principles and the issue of social change October 4, 2018 11 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / Protracted Conflict Gilles Carbonnier The decades-old debate on the humanitarian-development divide has resurfaced with conflict prevention and peace as a third dimension in the so-called nexus. This ...
Internal displacement: Some reflections on cracking the urban challenge September 23, 2018 11 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / Protracted Conflict Catherine-Lune Grayson The world is rapidly urbanizing and so is internal displacement. Yet we—humanitarians—often fail to properly understand how displaced people cope in such settings ...
The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons one year on: Reflections from Hiroshima September 20, 2018 6 mins read Law and Conflict / Stories / Weapons Helen Durham Today marks one year since the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons was declared open for signature. Its adoption confirmed that a ...
Bombs & blast waves: Why children in conflict need special care September 13, 2018 9 mins read Analysis / Children in conflict / Humanitarian Action / Stories Paul Reavley I’ve deployed numerous times during my career in the military, and on every deployment, I ...
Detention and armed conflicts: Exploring realities and remedies September 10, 2018 9 mins read Detention / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / Sexual Violence Helen Durham The honour of delivering one of the opening speeches at the Sanremo Roundtable on the ...
The (im)possibility of meaningful human control for lethal autonomous weapon systems August 29, 2018 13 mins read Analysis / Autonomous Weapons / Law and Conflict / Weapons Elke Schwarz This week, the Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) on lethal autonomous weapon systems (LAWS) is holding their third meeting at the UN Certain ...
The impact of gender and race bias in AI August 28, 2018 13 mins read Analysis / Autonomous Weapons / Gender / Gender and conflict / Law and Conflict / Weapons Noel Sharkey Automated decision algorithms are currently propagating gender and race discrimination throughout our global community. The ...
The human nature of international humanitarian law August 23, 2018 10 mins read Analysis / Autonomous Weapons / Conduct of Hostilities / Law and Conflict Eric Talbot Jensen International humanitarian law (IHL) regulates the use of force in armed conflict. It inherently provides ...
Autonomous weapons: Operationalizing meaningful human control August 15, 2018 16 mins read Artificial Intelligence and Armed Conflict / Autonomous Weapons / Conduct of Hostilities / Law and Conflict / New Technologies Merel Ekelhof For the second time this year, States will come together in the UN Convention on ...
Going local, going safely August 8, 2018 10 mins read Humanitarian Action / Localisation Adelicia Fairbanks The role of local actors in supporting humanitarian efforts and the security of aid workers is not new. They have been at the ...
Autonomous weapons and human control July 18, 2018 7 mins read Analysis / Autonomous Weapons / Conduct of Hostilities / Law and Conflict / Weapons Tim McFarland Concerns about ensuring sufficient human control over autonomous weapon systems (AWS) have been prominent since ...