Preserving humanity in warfare. The role of archival resources in advancing international humanitarian law 18 July 2023, Archives / Articles / CrosswiseCédric Cotter, Researcher Post amended since first publication Introduction International humanitarian law (IHL), also known as the law of war, is a set of rules that ...
ICRC action in the Korean War (1950-1953) 9 January 2023, Crosswise / ICRC action in... / LibraryClara Király, Library “In the desire of bringing to all victims of the war the strictly impartial aid of the International Committee of the Red Cross, ...
The ICRC vs. fake news: Setting the record straight in the First World War 22 April 2022, Articles / CrosswiseCédric Cotter, Researcher The term “fake news” has been a constant presence in the media for several years now. The deliberate spread of false information seems ...
The ICRC as a neutral intermediary. Historical and contemporary perspectives 24 March 2022, Articles / CrosswiseCédric Cotter, Researcher Introduction On 15 and 16 October 2020, eleven flights from and to five airports in Yemen and Saudi Arabia repatriated more than 1,000 ...
Jean de Preux 6 July 2021, Library / PortraitsCharlotte Mohr, ICRC Library The adoption of the four 1949 Geneva Conventions marked the beginning of a new era for the ICRC in its role as promoter ...
Theatre in Third Reich prisoner of war camps 26 April 2021, Archives / Audiovisual / PhotoFarah Hocine, photographic archives History and photography are undeniably intertwined; historians often lament, unsurprisingly, that photography was not invented earlier.[1] Visitors to the ICRC’s online audiovisual archive ...