Uphold the norms that safeguard humanity – Speech by Peter Maurer May 24, 2016 1 min read World Humanitarian Summit On 24 May 2016 at the World Humanitarian Summit, ICRC President Peter Maurer gave a speech in which he called on parties to ...
Introducing Humanitarian Law & Policy May 19, 2016 3 mins read Sexual Violence / World Humanitarian Summit Raphaël Dallaire Ferland & Vincent Bernard Today marks the launch of Humanitarian Law & Policy, a digital forum for those concerned with how to better protect and assist people affected by conflict and violence. ...
Workshop: Engaging with students and professors on the issue of sexual violence in armed conflicts April 15, 2016 2 mins read Online learning / Sexual Violence The ICRC assists universities in raising awareness about sexual violence in armed conflict by providing teaching material about the issue. Based on its ...
Conference cycle: Generating respect for the law April 14, 2016 10 mins read Events and highlights / Law and Conflict / Religion / Sexual Violence / Videos The Conference Cycle on Generating Respect for the Law is a series of high-level public ...
Launch of ICRC’s Updated Commentary on the First Geneva Convention April 14, 2016 4 mins read Events and highlights / Law and Conflict / Online publications / Sexual Violence / Videos The editors Since their adoption in 1949, the Geneva Conventions have been put to the test and ...