An unnecessary evil: the discursive battle over the meaning of nuclear weapons August 6, 2020 13 mins read Analysis / History / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict Magnus Løvold The testimonies of the victims and survivors of nuclear weapons prompt us to imagine the ...
GCIII Commentary: ten essential protections for prisoners of war July 23, 2020 10 mins read Analysis / Detention / GCIII Commentary / Law and Conflict Cordula Droege The Third Geneva Convention is the most comprehensive legal framework protecting prisoners of war. Adopted in 1949 against the backdrop of immense suffering ...
Race, equity, and neo-colonial legacies: identifying paths forward for principled humanitarian action July 16, 2020 18 mins read Analysis / Gender and conflict / Humanitarian Action / Humanitarian Principles / Sexual Violence Saman Rejali In the wake of the murder of George Floyd in the United States, and the ...
Deprived of freedom: how detainees in conflict zones could benefit from a ‘triple nexus’ approach July 9, 2020 9 mins read Analysis / Detention / Humanitarian Action Colin Walch Detainees are among the most vulnerable groups in society, particularly in fragile and conflict-affected regions. How governments treat the people they detain in ...
Palliative care, COVID-19 and humanitarian action: it’s time to talk. July 2, 2020 14 mins read Analysis / COVID-19 and conflict / Health Care / Humanitarian Action Rachel Coghlan For countries already gripped by war or disaster, COVID-19 is magnifying existing challenges to healthcare. ...
COVID-19, conflict and sexual violence: reversing the burden of proof June 19, 2020 5 mins read Analysis / COVID-19 and conflict / Gender and conflict / Humanitarian Action / Sexual Violence Sophie Sutrich Sexual violence in armed conflict, while prohibited by international humanitarian law, remains a brutal reality. ...
GCIII Commentary: ICRC unveils first update in sixty years June 18, 2020 10 mins read Analysis / GCIII Commentary / Generating Respect for IHL / ICRC Commentaries / Law and Conflict Jean-Marie Henckaerts Taking prisoners in international armed conflicts has been a common practice for centuries. The Third ...
Living below the cyber poverty line: strategic challenges for Africa June 11, 2020 11 mins read Analysis / Human Costs of Cyber / Humanitarian Action / New Technologies Noëlle van der Waag-Cowling Determining appropriate strategic responses to cyber threats poses an evolving challenge to all States. As ...
Hacking humanitarians: operational dialogue and cyberspace June 4, 2020 11 mins read Analysis / Human Costs of Cyber / Humanitarian Action / New Technologies Massimo Marelli & Martin Schüepp As humanitarian organizations become more active in and reliant upon new technologies and the digital ...
Reflecting on our inner child through the lens of children affected by war May 28, 2020 10 mins read Children in conflict / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / Religion / Review-related / Sexual Violence Sai Sathyanarayanan Venkatesh In wartime, children are especially vulnerable. They are all too often drawn into hostilities and ...
Call by global leaders: work together now to stop cyberattacks on the healthcare sector May 26, 2020 9 mins read COVID-19 and conflict / Health Care / Human Costs of Cyber / Law and Conflict / New Technologies Today, the ICRC’s president, Peter Maurer, added his name to a list of more than ...
The world tomorrow: COVID-19 and the new humanitarian May 20, 2020 14 mins read Analysis / Counterterrorism / COVID-19 and conflict / Humanitarian Action / Humanitarian Principles Raphael Gorgeu Two months in, the COVID-19 crisis has sent shock waves throughout the humanitarian sector, prompting ...