Just out! ‘Conflict in Syria’, a new issue of the Review April 11, 2019 11 mins read Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / Religion / Review-related Ellen Policinski In 2011, protests in Syria descended into violence and chaos. Eight years later, this once ...
Teaching international humanitarian law in the Gaza Strip: A success story amid complexities March 13, 2019 6 mins read Generating Respect for IHL / Law and Conflict Samer Mousa In the past few years, despite the difficult prevailing conditions, there has been a paradigm shift in how international humanitarian law (IHL) has ...
Status of medical personnel: Clear as mud? February 25, 2019 10 mins read Conduct of Hostilities / Health Care / Law and Conflict Rain Liivoja The protection of the wounded and sick, and of medical personnel, stands as the cornerstone of international humanitarian law (IHL). Indeed, the first ...
Joint Blog Series: Sieges, evacuations and urban warfare: Thoughts from the Transatlantic Workshop on International Law and Armed Conflict February 5, 2019 4 mins read Conduct of Hostilities / Joint Blog Series / Law and Conflict Laurie Blank Laurie Blank recently wrote some of her thoughts on sieges on EJIL Talk! as part ...
Joint Blog Series: Medical care in armed conflict PART II January 24, 2019 9 mins read Conduct of Hostilities / Health Care / Joint Blog Series / Law and Conflict Marco Sassòli When do medical personnel lose their protection under IHL in armed conflict? Specifically, what acts ...
Joint Blog Series: Better safe than sorry: Transferring detainees safely to Coalition Partners January 20, 2019 3 mins read Detention / Joint Blog Series / Law and Conflict / Migration / Torture Tilman Rodenhäuser Over the weekend, the third post in our Joint Series was published by Lawfare—Better safe than sorry: Transferring ...
5 operational realities of detention in contemporary armed conflict November 30, 2018 12 mins read Counterterrorism / Detention / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / Terrorism and IHL Laurent Saugy & Tilman Rodenhäuser Hidden behind thick walls and barbed wire, detention realities are generally little known to the ...
Shining a spotlight on sexual violence in war: The 2018 Nobel Peace Prize October 11, 2018 8 mins read Analysis / Gender and conflict / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / Sexual Violence Helen Durham The Nobel Committee have awarded the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize to Nadia Murad and Denis ...
The (im)possibility of meaningful human control for lethal autonomous weapon systems August 29, 2018 13 mins read Analysis / Autonomous Weapons / Law and Conflict / Weapons Elke Schwarz This week, the Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) on lethal autonomous weapon systems (LAWS) is holding their third meeting at the UN Certain ...
The impact of gender and race bias in AI August 28, 2018 13 mins read Analysis / Autonomous Weapons / Gender / Gender and conflict / Law and Conflict / Weapons Noel Sharkey Automated decision algorithms are currently propagating gender and race discrimination throughout our global community. The ...
The human nature of international humanitarian law August 23, 2018 10 mins read Analysis / Autonomous Weapons / Conduct of Hostilities / Law and Conflict Eric Talbot Jensen International humanitarian law (IHL) regulates the use of force in armed conflict. It inherently provides ...
Can religious leaders play a role in enhancing compliance with IHL? December 20, 2017 12 mins read Analysis / Armed Groups / Generating Respect for IHL / Law and Conflict / Religion Ioana Cismas & Ezequiel Heffes The effectiveness of international humanitarian law (IHL) faces challenges from different quarters. Parties may be ...