An ICRC delegate alone at the heart of the Greco-Turkish War (1919-1923) 28 March 2023, Audiovisual / Crosswise / General Archives / Photo In 1921, Greece and the Ottoman Empire were at war. Two years later, at Lausanne, Greece and the newly formed Republic of Türkiye ...
Iconographic Collections in the ICRC Archives 8 September 2021, Archives / ArticlesGregory Nobs and Maude Graeppi The V CI sub-fonds, Iconographic Collections, contains approximately 330 images of historical interest related to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), ...
National Societies and the ICRC : 150 years of history 26 October 2020, Articles / LibrarySebastian Zelada, Library In addition to developing the norms that would eventually become international humanitarian law, since its founding the ICRC has also been encouraging the ...