A gift that keeps giving 18 December 2020, Archives / Articles / Tracing ArchivesMarie Allemann, Archives Agence My tale of an unusual research in the Tracing Archives In the summer of 2020, Wolfgang Maass and his wife Renate received an ...
The ICRC: A history of restoring family links 1 December 2020, Archives / Articles / Tracing ArchivesMarie Allemann, Archives Agence 150 years ago, the ICRC began its action to restore family links for people separated by conflict. Since 1870, the activities of the ...
Renée-Marguerite Frick-Cramer 12 March 2020, Library / PortraitsCamille Meyre, Library Renée-Marguerite Frick-Cramer was an important figure of the International Committee of the Red Cross in the early 20th century. A legal scholar and ...
The ICRC during World War II 26 November 2018, Archives / Audiovisual / Crosswise / Library / Research Guides Conceived as an entry point into the ICRC Library and Archives’ rich collections, this research ...