Humanitarian Action: The need to scale back, not up June 20, 2019 9 mins read Humanitarian Action / Humanitarian Principles / The most read blog posts in 2019 Marc DuBois Your father has a heart attack. The ambulance crew arrives in minutes. They save his ...
‘Basics’ won’t do: A response to Marc DuBois’ ‘new humanitarian basics’ November 13, 2018 14 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / Protracted Conflict / Sexual Violence Ricardo Fal-Dutra Santos This blog post aims to challenge Marc DuBois’ proposition of a ‘new humanitarian basics’ and ...
Internal displacement: Some reflections on cracking the urban challenge September 23, 2018 11 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / Protracted Conflict Catherine-Lune Grayson The world is rapidly urbanizing and so is internal displacement. Yet we—humanitarians—often fail to properly understand how displaced people cope in such settings ...
Habitat III: The smartest city is a safe city October 24, 2016 5 mins read Events and highlights / Humanitarian Action Hugo Slim The humanitarian commitments in the New Urban Agenda are significant and will form clear policy guidance on urban humanitarian action for national governments ...
The New Urban Agenda recognizes the humanitarian impact of urban warfare August 22, 2016 5 mins read Humanitarian Action Raphaël Dallaire Ferland After intensive negotiations in Surabaya, Indonesia, the latest draft (.pdf) of the New Urban Agenda now gives respect for international humanitarian law and ...
Humanitarianism at breaking point? New roles for local and international actors August 19, 2016 13 mins read Humanitarian Action / Review-related Claudia McGoldrick Is humanitarianism really at breaking point? The gap between today’s overwhelming needs and the constraints on international humanitarian actors’ efforts to address them, ...
Istanbul dispatch: A first look back at the World Humanitarian Summit May 26, 2016 6 mins read World Humanitarian Summit Raphaël Dallaire Ferland On the eve of the World Humanitarian Summit, Hugo Slim was reflecting on what failure and success would look like for the large-scale ...