When hostilities end but suffering remains: the necessary continuation of humanitarian activities in the aftermath November 24, 2022 12 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / IHL in the aftermath / Law and Conflict Émilie Charpentier Armed conflicts have long-lasting repercussions on the population affected, even after the conflict has ended. ...
The Missing: What’s in this edition of the Review July 2, 2019 7 mins read Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / Online publications / Religion / Special Protections Ellen Policinski The International Review of the Red Cross launched an edition on The Missing earlier this ...
The evolution of warfare: Focus on the Law February 16, 2017 9 mins read Law and Conflict / Online publications / Review-related George Dvaladze How has warfare changed over the past 100 years? Is the international community still sufficiently equipped to reasonably minimize its negative effects on ...
Are we living through the worst period in history? February 15, 2017 10 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / Review-related / Sexual Violence Vincent Bernard Vincent Bernard is the editor in chief of the International Review of the Red Cross. ...
ICRC report demonstrates people believe that wars should have limits December 5, 2016 5 mins read Online publications Helen Durham The ICRC has published the results of a large survey detailing how people around the world perceive a range of issues relating to ...
The evolution of warfare: New edition of the International Review November 28, 2016 1 mins read Events and highlights / Law and Conflict / Online publications / Review-related The editors We are pleased to present the latest issue of the International Review of the Red ...
Casualty recording in and for the modern age: Why standards matter November 8, 2016 10 mins read Analysis / Events and highlights / Humanitarian Action Hamit Dardagan & John Sloboda In peacetime and wartime alike, it is not sufficient to ask “how many died,” but also “who died”. Casualty recording is a systematic ...
Terrorism, counter-terrorism and IHL: Primer on a recurring conversation November 2, 2016 5 mins read Counterterrorism Ellen Policinski Terrorism is not limited to any one part of the world. It can be seen everywhere, and is often linked to armed conflict. ...
How humanitarians safeguard the law of armed conflict October 25, 2016 8 mins read Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict The editors In situations of armed conflicts and violence across the world, humanitarian actors operate amidst recurring violations of international humanitarian law (IHL). Not only ...
e-Briefing: The human cost of nuclear weapons October 12, 2016 5 mins read Humanitarian Action / Online publications / Quick Links / Sexual Violence The editors The ICRC’s latest e-briefing exposes the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons. It is being ...
The establishment of courts by armed groups: what is the legal basis? October 11, 2016 10 mins read Analysis / Law and Conflict Ezequiel Heffes While the law of armed conflict is understood as granting armed groups the possibility to install judicial mechanisms in order to pass judgments ...
Protecting schools from military use: From Ancient Rome to today September 27, 2016 7 mins read Analysis / Education in Armed Conflict / Humanitarian Action / Special Protections Bede Sheppard The Safe Schools Declaration, opened for endorsement on 29 May 2015, outlines concrete steps that ...