Canada’s first voluntary IHL report: a step forward with opportunities for improvement January 30, 2025 12 mins read Accountability / Analysis / Generating Respect for IHL / IHL Steve Tiwa Fomekong Canada recently published its first voluntary report on the implementation of international humanitarian law (IHL), ...
Algeria and the Geneva Conventions: Crossroads in history January 31, 2017 9 mins read Interviews / Law and Conflict Raphaël Dallaire Ferland This is our conversation with Soualem Lazhar, director of Human Rights, Social Development and Cultural, Scientific and Technical Affairs at the Algerian Ministry ...
Universal Meeting of National IHL Committees: At the heart of efforts towards better respect for the law December 15, 2016 7 mins read Events and highlights / Generating Respect for IHL / Law and Conflict ICRC Advisory Service on IHL Facing the formidable task of implementing international humanitarian law (IHL) in their national legislation, States ...
Generating respect for the law in Africa August 31, 2016 11 mins read Events and highlights / Law and Conflict Margherita D’Ascanio The majority of armed conflicts being fought on the African continent are classified as non-international armed conflicts, and are characterized by the presence ...