Ahmed Al-Dawoody

Dr Ahmed Al-Dawoody is the legal adviser for Islamic law and jurisprudence at the ICRC, and a visiting professor at the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights in Geneva, Switzerland. Prior to joining the ICRC, he was an Assistant Professor in Islamic Studies and Islamic law at Al-Azhar University in Cairo. He was the Assistant Director of Graduate Studies for the Institute for Islamic World Studies and the coordinator of the MA program in Contemporary Islamic Studies at Zayed University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. He has taught in Egypt, the USA, the UK, the UAE and Switzerland. He has published more than two dozen articles and book chapters on Islamic Law and is the author of The Islamic Law of War: Justifications and Regulations (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011).
Posts by the contributor
International humanitarian law and Islamic law: a principled and inclusive dialogue
7 mins read Analysis / Conduct of Hostilities / Generating Respect for IHL / Humanitarian Principles / IHL / Islamic Law / Localisation / Related bodies of law / Religion / Special Themes Ahmed Al-Dawoody
Sexual and gender-based violence in migration contexts: does faith sensitivity matter?
20 mins read Analysis / Gender and conflict / Migration / Religion / Sexual Violence Sandra Iman Pertek, Ahmed Al-Dawoody & Amjad Saleem
The principle of non-refoulement under Islamic law and international law: complementing international legal protection in Muslim contexts
11 mins read Analysis / Generating Respect for IHL / History / Humanitarian Action / Islamic Law / Law and Conflict / Religion Ahmed Al-Dawoody & Tilman Rodenhäuser
Protecting the environment during armed conflict: IHL and Islamic law
12 mins read Analysis / Generating Respect for IHL / History / Humanitarian Action / Islamic Law / Law and Conflict / Religion / War, law and the environment Ahmed Al-Dawoody & Sarah Gale
GCIII Commentary: an Islamic perspective on the treatment of prisoners of war
7 mins read Analysis / GCIII Commentary / History / Islamic Law / Law and Conflict / Religion Ahmed Al-Dawoody
Who are you calling ‘vulnerable’? Muslim women and inclusive humanitarianism
7 mins read Analysis / Gender and conflict / Humanitarian Action / Islamic Law / Law and Conflict / Religion Ahmed Al-Dawoody & Saman Rejali
COVID-19 and Islamic burial laws: safeguarding dignity of the dead
16 mins read Analysis / COVID-19 and conflict / Islamic Law / Religion Ahmed Al-Dawoody & Oran Finegan
Respect for the dead under Islamic law: Considerations for humanitarian forensics
22 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / Islamic Law / Law and Conflict / Religion Ahmed Al-Dawoody
IHL and Islam: An overview
22 mins read Analysis / Conduct of Hostilities / Islamic Law / Law and Conflict / Primers / Religion Ahmed Al-Dawoody