Machine autonomy and the constant care obligation December 11, 2018 11 mins read Autonomous Weapons / Conduct of Hostilities / Law and Conflict / New Technologies / Weapons Chris Jenks & Rain Liivoja The debate about the way the international community should deal with autonomous weapon systems has ...
The human nature of international humanitarian law August 23, 2018 10 mins read Analysis / Autonomous Weapons / Conduct of Hostilities / Law and Conflict Eric Talbot Jensen International humanitarian law (IHL) regulates the use of force in armed conflict. It inherently provides ...
Autonomous weapons: Operationalizing meaningful human control August 15, 2018 16 mins read Artificial Intelligence and Armed Conflict / Autonomous Weapons / Conduct of Hostilities / Law and Conflict / New Technologies Merel Ekelhof For the second time this year, States will come together in the UN Convention on ...
Autonomous weapons and human control July 18, 2018 7 mins read Analysis / Autonomous Weapons / Conduct of Hostilities / Law and Conflict / Weapons Tim McFarland Concerns about ensuring sufficient human control over autonomous weapon systems (AWS) have been prominent since ...
The world needs robust peacekeeping not aggressive peacekeeping May 15, 2018 10 mins read Analysis / Conduct of Hostilities / Counterterrorism / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / The most read blog posts in 2018 Mona Ali Khalil Since 1999, and in response to the tragic failures to protect civilians in Rwanda and Srebrenica, the ...
Human judgment and lethal decision-making in war April 11, 2018 8 mins read Analysis / Autonomous Weapons / Conduct of Hostilities / Law and Conflict / New Technologies / Weapons Paul Scharre For the fifth year in a row, government delegates meet at the United Nations in ...
The legality of flamethrowers: Taking unnecessary suffering seriously February 22, 2018 12 mins read Analysis / Conduct of Hostilities / Law and Conflict / New Technologies / Weapons Theo Boutruche Outside the academics and experts’ circles, discussions around weapons commonly make the news in at ...
Military influence operations & IHL: Implications of new technologies October 27, 2017 12 mins read Analysis / Conduct of Hostilities / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / New Technologies Pontus Winther The use of smartphones, apps, social media and other methods of digital communication between people ...
IHL and Islam: An overview March 14, 2017 22 mins read Analysis / Conduct of Hostilities / Islamic Law / Law and Conflict / Primers / Religion Ahmed Al-Dawoody With armed conflicts taking place in so many parts of the Muslim world, the Islamic ...
War in cities: The ‘reverberating effects’ of explosive weapons March 2, 2017 9 mins read Analysis / Conduct of Hostilities / Law and Conflict Ellen Nohle & Isabel Robinson Recent armed conflicts have demonstrated the devastating humanitarian impact of using explosive weapons with wide-area effects in populated areas. This is due not ...
Joint series: Restricting medical personnel, units, and transports to ‘light individual weapons’ February 21, 2017 2 mins read Analysis / Conduct of Hostilities / Counterterrorism / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict In the first instalment of episode 2 in this multi-blog series on the updated Commentaries, ...
Introducing the second multi-blog series on the updated Geneva Conventions Commentaries February 21, 2017 2 mins read Analysis / Conduct of Hostilities / ICRC Commentaries / Law and Conflict The editors In order to bring to light the significance of the updated Commentary on the First Geneva ...