Out of balance: Global counter-terrorism & the laws of war September 15, 2017 6 mins read Counterterrorism / Religion Stéphane Ojeda In recent years, the UN Security Council has strengthened its global counter-terrorism (CT) framework, perhaps more so than at any point since 9/11. ...
Fighting together: Obligations and opportunities in partnered warfare March 28, 2017 10 mins read Analysis / Law and Conflict / Partnering in Warfare Cordula Droege & David Tuck Partnered warfare — i.e. activities in support of Parties to armed conflict—is a reality that demands attention. For civilians, the sick, the wounded and for ...
Joint series: Restricting medical personnel, units, and transports to ‘light individual weapons’ February 21, 2017 2 mins read Analysis / Conduct of Hostilities / Counterterrorism / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict In the first instalment of episode 2 in this multi-blog series on the updated Commentaries, ...
Introducing the second multi-blog series on the updated Geneva Conventions Commentaries February 21, 2017 2 mins read Analysis / Conduct of Hostilities / ICRC Commentaries / Law and Conflict The editors In order to bring to light the significance of the updated Commentary on the First Geneva ...
Behind the scenes: Updated commentary on the First Geneva Convention February 1, 2017 5 mins read ICRC Commentaries / Law and Conflict / Online publications / Sexual Violence Jean-Marie Henckaerts Last month saw the publication of the updated Commentary on the First Geneva Convention which ...
Global counter-terrorism must not overlook the rules of war December 13, 2016 10 mins read Counterterrorism / Religion Stéphane Ojeda Branding an armed group as “terrorist” cannot alone cancel the applicability of international humanitarian law (IHL). The vast majority of contemporary armed conflicts ...
The digital transformation of the humanitarian sector December 5, 2016 11 mins read Analysis / Counterterrorism / Humanitarian Action Anja Kaspersen & Charlotte Lindsey-Curtet When you’re pulling people from rubble after missile strikes, or tending to injuries in a tent, or worrying about getting the next truck ...
Terrorism, counter-terrorism and IHL: Primer on a recurring conversation November 2, 2016 5 mins read Counterterrorism Ellen Policinski Terrorism is not limited to any one part of the world. It can be seen everywhere, and is often linked to armed conflict. ...
Taking the high road in military operations October 19, 2016 7 mins read Counterterrorism / Events and highlights / Law and Conflict Andreas Kaufmann Many of today’s armed conflicts involve opponents who significantly differ in terms of military capacity ...
An unwarranted human sacrifice in the Middle East September 26, 2016 12 mins read Counterterrorism / Law and Conflict / Religion / Stories Omar Mekky Earlier this month Muslims in the Middle East and across the world celebrated Eid al-Adha, the Feast of Sacrifice. Those holy days honor ...
Joint series: First thoughts from academia on the updated GCI Commentary July 22, 2016 2 mins read ICRC Commentaries / Law and Conflict Kevin Jon Heller In the third installment of episode 1 in this multi-blog series on the updated Geneva Conventions Commentaries, Professor Kevin Jon Heller responds to ...
Joint series: The role of the ICRC Commentaries in understanding international humanitarian law July 7, 2016 2 mins read ICRC Commentaries / Law and Conflict Sean D. Murphy In the second installment of episode 1 in this multi-blog series on the updated Commentaries, Professor Sean Murphy responds to Jean-Marie Henckaerts’ first ...