ICRC action in Colombia (1969 – present) 25 November 2024, ICRC action in... / LibraryClara Palmisano, Library “An extraordinary 72% of Colombians say the ICRC/Red Cross has played the biggest role in preventing mistreatment and abuses during the armed conflict.” ...
Iconographic Collections in the ICRC Archives 8 September 2021, Archives / ArticlesGregory Nobs and Maude Graeppi The V CI sub-fonds, Iconographic Collections, contains approximately 330 images of historical interest related to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), ...
16 Days of Activism against Sexual and Gender-based ViolenceSelected Readings 3 December 2020, LibraryCharlotte Mohr, Library November 25th marked the beginning of a 16 days campaign of activism against sexual and gender-based violence. We’ve selected for the occasion 16 ...
The ICRC during World War I 3 June 2019, Archives / Audiovisual / Crosswise / Library / Research Guides World War I represents a major turn in the history of the International Committee of ...
The ICRC during World War II 26 November 2018, Archives / Audiovisual / Crosswise / Library / Research Guides Conceived as an entry point into the ICRC Library and Archives’ rich collections, this research ...