Focus on the past – “new” photos unveiled on the ICRC’s audiovisual archives portal 20 February 2024, Audiovisual / Photo More than 110,000 images are currently accessible on the ICRC’s audiovisual archives portal. The photographic collection, built up over the years and constantly ...
An ICRC delegate alone at the heart of the Greco-Turkish War (1919-1923) 28 March 2023, Audiovisual / Crosswise / General Archives / Photo In 1921, Greece and the Ottoman Empire were at war. Two years later, at Lausanne, Greece and the newly formed Republic of Türkiye ...
The Red Cross was there – operations on the Asian continent 20 March 2023, Audio / Audiovisual / Crosswise / PhotoStefan E. Guyon Through its humanitarian action during armed conflicts, the international Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement has witnessed pivotal moments in the contemporary history ...
The Central Tracing Agency 30 August 2020, Crosswise / Library / Research Guides Initially, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) was founded in 1863 with the mission to improve the care and protection of ...
Prosecuting War Crimes after the Second World War: The Nuremberg and Tokyo Trials 22 May 2018, Library Predecessors of the International Criminal Court, the Nuremberg (November 1945 – October 1946) and Tokyo (May 1946 – November 1948) war crime trials ...