The 1949 Geneva Conventions : a primer

The 1949 Geneva Conventions : a primer

As we commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Conventions, the ICRC Library has sought to gather in one place the relevant sources for researchers and practitioners working on the Geneva ...

The Timeless Relevance of the Geneva Conventions

The Timeless Relevance of the Geneva Conventions

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the 1949 Geneva Conventions, a cornerstone of IHL, and the 160th anniversary of the first 1864 Geneva Convention. These milestones invite us to ...

The weight of photos, the impact of words: the ICRC’s 10 detention missions in Algeria

The weight of photos, the impact of words: the ICRC’s 10 detention missions in Algeria

The ICRC holds in its audiovisual archives over 300 photographs related to its detention missions, carried out during the Algerian conflict. This article serves as an entry point into the ...

Focus on the past – “new” photos unveiled on the ICRC’s audiovisual archives portal

Focus on the past – “new” photos unveiled on the ICRC’s audiovisual archives portal

Several thousand slides and negatives, although digitized, have not been described until now and have therefore never been published on the online portal. The aim of this publication is to ...

A Quarter of a Century in the ICRC Film Archives

A Quarter of a Century in the ICRC Film Archives

On the eve of her retirement after twenty-five years on the job, the archivist in charge of the ICRC film archives shares her personal impressions on the profession’s evolution during ...

A perilous journey across the Atlantic, part 2

A perilous journey across the Atlantic, part 2

Discover the story of the third passenger of the Afric Star.