Harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence to uncover patterns of violence May 25, 2023 9 mins read Analysis / Artificial Intelligence and Armed Conflict / Humanitarian Action / New Technologies Fiona Terry & Fabien Dany This month saw the successful conclusion to a year-long collaboration between the ICRC and the ...
War on the coastline: mitigating civilian harm in the littorals May 17, 2023 12 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict Prashant Kahlon With 80 per cent of the world’s population living within 100 kilometers of a coastline, and maritime trade accounting for around 90 per ...
Towards common understandings: the application of established IHL principles to cyber operations March 7, 2023 9 mins read Analysis / Avoiding civilian harm during military cyber operations / Human Costs of Cyber / Law and Conflict / New Technologies Kubo Mačák & Tilman Rodenhäuser Cyber operations have become a reality of today’s armed conflicts, and their use is likely ...
War, law and humanity: the role of the ICRC in international armed conflicts February 16, 2023 12 mins read Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict Melina Fidelis The international armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine has seen the involvement of several humanitarian organizations on the ground – including the International ...
‘Back to basics’ with a digital twist: humanitarian principles and dilemmas in the digital age February 2, 2023 14 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / Humanitarian Principles / Humanitarian principles in contemporary armed conflict / New Technologies Pierrick Devidal The digital transformation has been a key vector of progress for the humanitarian sector. It ...
Humanitarian neutrality in contemporary armed conflict: a conversation with Nils Melzer January 26, 2023 13 mins read Humanitarian Action / Humanitarian principles in contemporary armed conflict / Humanity in War podcast / Law and Conflict Nils Melzer & Elizabeth Rushing As with many humanitarian crises in the past, the international armed conflict between Russia and ...
Present and engaged: how the ICRC responds to armed conflict and violence in cities January 19, 2023 11 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / Urban warfare Charles Deutscher & Chandni Dhingra How can humanitarian actors better respond to the devastating impact of urban warfare and urban violence? The higher humanitarian stakes in cities – ...
IHL and occupied territory July 26, 2022 14 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict Mikhail Orkin & Tristan Ferraro As the armed conflict in Ukraine persists, rapidly unfolding events have entailed grave implications for civilians trapped in the crisis, such as death, ...
On trial: the Third Geneva Convention and judicial guarantees for prisoners of war June 23, 2022 13 mins read Analysis / GCIII Commentary / Generating Respect for IHL / Law and Conflict Yvette Issar The first prisoners of war (POWs) in the international armed conflict in Ukraine have been ...
Back to basics: humanitarian principles in contemporary armed conflict June 16, 2022 7 mins read Analysis / Call for contributions / Humanitarian Action / Humanitarian principles in contemporary armed conflict / Law and Conflict Robert Mardini As with many conflicts in the past, the Ukraine crisis has revived heated discussions on ...
In the hands of belligerents: status and protection under the Geneva Conventions May 19, 2022 10 mins read Analysis / Detention / GCIII Commentary / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict Ramin Mahnad When international armed conflict breaks out and people find themselves in the power of belligerent ...
Looking for answers: accounting for the separated, missing and dead in international armed conflicts April 11, 2022 14 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict Helen Obregón Gieseken & Ximena Londoño Armed conflicts affecting all regions of the world today continue to result in the separation of families and in people going missing and ...