Towards a humanitarian ban on nuclear weapons August 4, 2016 10 mins read Humanitarian Action Elizabeth Minor Over the past six years, a concerted effort by committed States, international organizations and civil society to reframe the international discourse on nuclear ...
Nuclear weapons: Rising in defence of humanity July 27, 2016 8 mins read Law and Conflict / Online publications Ellen Policinski & Vincent Bernard Approximately 340,000 people died immediately and within the five years following the atomic bombs being dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6 and ...
Nuclear weapons: 20 years since the ICJ advisory opinion and still difficult to reconcile with international humanitarian law July 8, 2016 8 mins read Analysis / Law and Conflict / Weapons Louis G. Maresca Everything we know about nuclear weapons, including the new information and analysis that has come to light in recent years, has only strengthened ...