A common enemy: aggregating intensity in non-international armed conflicts April 22, 2021 17 mins read Analysis / Armed Groups / Law and Conflict Chiara Redaelli Contemporary non-international armed conflicts are increasingly fought by a myriad of non-State actors, often engaging in hostilities against a common enemy and at ...
How humanitarians safeguard the law of armed conflict October 25, 2016 8 mins read Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict The editors In situations of armed conflicts and violence across the world, humanitarian actors operate amidst recurring violations of international humanitarian law (IHL). Not only ...
Taking the high road in military operations October 19, 2016 7 mins read Counterterrorism / Events and highlights / Law and Conflict Andreas Kaufmann Many of today’s armed conflicts involve opponents who significantly differ in terms of military capacity ...
e-Briefing: The human cost of nuclear weapons October 12, 2016 5 mins read Humanitarian Action / Online publications / Quick Links / Sexual Violence The editors The ICRC’s latest e-briefing exposes the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons. It is being ...
Translating IHL into military operations September 15, 2016 6 mins read Events and highlights / Law and Conflict The editors Most of today’s armed conflicts are characterized by asymmetry between the parties. When faced with opponents who significantly differ in terms of military ...
Nuclear weapons: Rising in defence of humanity July 27, 2016 8 mins read Law and Conflict / Online publications Ellen Policinski & Vincent Bernard Approximately 340,000 people died immediately and within the five years following the atomic bombs being dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6 and ...
Exhibition shines light on ICRC’s efforts to generate respect for the law April 9, 2016 2 mins read Events and highlights / Law and Conflict On 22 March 2016, the ICRC launched a new exhibition at the Humanitarium, offering a unique insight into the organization’s longstanding efforts to generate ...