Human shields under IHL: a path towards excessive legalization November 16, 2021 7 mins read Analysis / Conduct of Hostilities / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / Urban warfare Zoi Lafazani Human shields constitute part of the reality of contemporary armed conflicts, primarily fought in urban ...
Engaging with the industry: integrating IHL into new technologies in urban warfare October 7, 2021 17 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / New Technologies / Urban warfare Damian Copeland & Lauren Sanders Alongside the urbanization of armed conflict lies a second trend: the increase in the use ...
In good faith: legal advice during aerial targeting in urban areas May 4, 2021 14 mins read Analysis / Conduct of Hostilities / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / Urban warfare Craig Jones Military legal advisers today play a key role during various military operations, including aerial targeting ...
A common enemy: aggregating intensity in non-international armed conflicts April 22, 2021 17 mins read Analysis / Armed Groups / Law and Conflict Chiara Redaelli Contemporary non-international armed conflicts are increasingly fought by a myriad of non-State actors, often engaging in hostilities against a common enemy and at ...
Even ‘cyber wars’ have limits. But what if they didn’t? March 9, 2021 11 mins read Analysis / Human Costs of Cyber / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / New Technologies Tilman Rodenhäuser & Kubo Mačák Cyber operations have become a reality of today’s armed conflicts, and their use is likely ...
GCIII Commentary: Common Article 1 and State responsibility January 28, 2021 12 mins read Counterterrorism / Religion Lawrence Hill-Cawthorne The extent to which States have legal responsibilities under international humanitarian law in relation to the conduct of others has long been contested. ...
GCIII Commentary: an Islamic perspective on the treatment of prisoners of war January 26, 2021 7 mins read Analysis / GCIII Commentary / History / Islamic Law / Law and Conflict / Religion Ahmed Al-Dawoody While ratification of the Geneva Conventions is a relatively recent phenomenon, warfare has always been ...
COVID-19 vaccines and IHL: ensuring equal access in conflict-affected countries November 5, 2020 10 mins read Analysis / COVID-19 and conflict / Health Care / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict Alexander Breitegger As countries struggle to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, the world’s focus is on developing a ...
GCIII Commentary: If I can’t feed you, do I have to let you go? October 22, 2020 11 mins read Analysis / Detention / GCIII Commentary / Law and Conflict Kubo Mačák The object and purpose of the Third Geneva Convention is to ensure that prisoners of war are humanely treated at all times, while ...
GCIII Commentary: protecting the honour of prisoners of war September 3, 2020 9 mins read Analysis / GCIII Commentary / Generating Respect for IHL / Law and Conflict / Sexual Violence Jemma Arman The Third Geneva Convention (GCIII) provides a framework of rules for the protection of prisoners ...
August 12th: hopes and wishes? August 12, 2020 9 mins read Analysis / Generating Respect for IHL / History / Law and Conflict / Sexual Violence British Red Cross-ICRC customary IHL research team Today’s 71st anniversary of the 1949 Geneva Conventions is an opportunity to recall once more ...
GCIII Commentary: ten essential protections for prisoners of war July 23, 2020 10 mins read Analysis / Detention / GCIII Commentary / Law and Conflict Cordula Droege The Third Geneva Convention is the most comprehensive legal framework protecting prisoners of war. Adopted in 1949 against the backdrop of immense suffering ...