Who’s your favorite female judge? March 9, 2020 2 mins read Gender / Law and Conflict Helen Durham Many years ago when I was co-writing a book on Women and War, I decided that having a female judge write the foreward ...
Beyond binaries: An intersectional approach to humanitarian action October 8, 2019 13 mins read Gender / Gender and conflict / Humanitarian Action / Identity / Sexual Violence Elizabeth McGuinness & Saman Rejali Where does a lens on ‘men and masculinities’ fit into the frame of humanitarian action? ...
Challenging patriarchy: gender equality and humanitarian principles July 18, 2019 13 mins read Gender / Gender and conflict / Humanitarian Action / Humanitarian Principles / Sexual Violence / The most read blog posts in 2019 Ricardo Fal-Dutra Santos This blog seeks to explore the ongoing discourse in the humanitarian sector that portrays gender ...
Masculinity and humanitarianism May 20, 2019 9 mins read Gender / Gender and conflict / Humanitarian Action / Identity / Sexual Violence Graham Parsons As I write, a boy, no older than 2, is bouncing around the café, laughing ...
The masculine condition in contemporary warfare May 14, 2019 13 mins read Gender / Gender and conflict / Humanitarian Action / Identity Gilbert Holleufer Hugo Slim, in a piece entitled Masculinity and war—let’s talk about it, puts his finger ...
100 ratifications of the Arms Trade Treaty: Celebration and reflection February 7, 2019 5 mins read Law and Conflict / Weapons Helen Durham As Director of International Law and Policy, I have the privilege of regularly representing the ICRC at the United Nations and other diplomatic ...
The impact of gender and race bias in AI August 28, 2018 13 mins read Analysis / Autonomous Weapons / Gender / Gender and conflict / Law and Conflict / Weapons Noel Sharkey Automated decision algorithms are currently propagating gender and race discrimination throughout our global community. The ...
Continuing the conversation: Which masculinities, which wars? July 5, 2018 7 mins read Gender / Gender and conflict / Humanitarian Action / Identity / Sexual Violence David Duriesmith Earlier this year Hugo Slim penned a blog post with the important call to begin ...
Masculinity and war–let’s talk about it March 15, 2018 5 mins read Gender / Gender and conflict / Humanitarian Action / Identity / Sexual Violence / The most read blog posts in 2018 Hugo Slim There is much talk about violations, cruelty and brutality in the public discussion of war, ...
e-Briefing: Sexual violence in armed conflict April 8, 2016 1 mins read Gender and conflict / Online publications / Sexual Violence This e-briefing is based on the issue 894 of the International Review of the Red ...