Human shields under IHL: a path towards excessive legalization November 16, 2021 7 mins read Analysis / Conduct of Hostilities / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / Urban warfare Zoi Lafazani Human shields constitute part of the reality of contemporary armed conflicts, primarily fought in urban ...
Status of medical personnel: Clear as mud? February 25, 2019 10 mins read Conduct of Hostilities / Health Care / Law and Conflict Rain Liivoja The protection of the wounded and sick, and of medical personnel, stands as the cornerstone of international humanitarian law (IHL). Indeed, the first ...
Joint Blog Series: Medical care in armed conflict PART II January 24, 2019 9 mins read Conduct of Hostilities / Health Care / Joint Blog Series / Law and Conflict Marco Sassòli When do medical personnel lose their protection under IHL in armed conflict? Specifically, what acts ...
Military influence operations & IHL: Implications of new technologies October 27, 2017 12 mins read Analysis / Conduct of Hostilities / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / New Technologies Pontus Winther The use of smartphones, apps, social media and other methods of digital communication between people ...
Taking the high road in military operations October 19, 2016 7 mins read Counterterrorism / Events and highlights / Law and Conflict Andreas Kaufmann Many of today’s armed conflicts involve opponents who significantly differ in terms of military capacity ...