Is the law of armed conflict in crisis and how to recommit to its respect? June 3, 2016 5 mins read Events and highlights / Law and Conflict The editors Shocked by the seemingly unending news streams of civilians being starved, of hospitals, schools and places of worship being bombed unlawfully, of communities ...
War crimes without criminal accountability? The case of Active Protection Systems June 1, 2016 6 mins read Analysis / Law and Conflict Michael Kurt Riepl As weapon systems take over more and more functions in the targeting cycle that used to be fulfilled by humans, it is increasingly ...
e-Briefing: Principles guiding humanitarian action May 27, 2016 1 mins read Online publications The editors This e-briefing traces the latest developments in the in the contemporary debate on the seven “Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and ...
Istanbul dispatch: A first look back at the World Humanitarian Summit May 26, 2016 6 mins read World Humanitarian Summit Raphaël Dallaire Ferland On the eve of the World Humanitarian Summit, Hugo Slim was reflecting on what failure and success would look like for the large-scale ...
Uphold the norms that safeguard humanity – Speech by Peter Maurer May 24, 2016 1 mins read World Humanitarian Summit On 24 May 2016 at the World Humanitarian Summit, ICRC President Peter Maurer gave a speech in which he called on parties to ...
What restrains armed actors from committing atrocities? May 24, 2016 3 mins read Events and highlights / Videos The editors What are the factors that lead armed actors to restrain from committing violations of international humanitarian law (IHL)? This question lies at the ...
Introducing Humanitarian Law & Policy May 19, 2016 3 mins read Sexual Violence / World Humanitarian Summit Raphaël Dallaire Ferland & Vincent Bernard Today marks the launch of Humanitarian Law & Policy, a digital forum for those concerned with how to better protect and assist people affected by conflict and violence. ...
Conference cycle: Generating respect for the law April 14, 2016 10 mins read Events and highlights / Law and Conflict / Religion / Sexual Violence / Videos The Conference Cycle on Generating Respect for the Law is a series of high-level public ...
Launch of ICRC’s Updated Commentary on the First Geneva Convention April 14, 2016 4 mins read Events and highlights / Law and Conflict / Online publications / Sexual Violence / Videos The editors Since their adoption in 1949, the Geneva Conventions have been put to the test and ...
e-Learning: The basic rules and principles of IHL April 7, 2016 2 mins read Law and Conflict / Online learning The ICRC has recently updated its introductory e-learning course on IHL, featuring additional content, and improvements in the design, pedagogy and interface. This ...