Laurent Gisel

Laurent Gisel is the Head of the Arms and Conduct of Hostilities Unit at the Legal Division of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Geneva. He leads the development and promotion of the ICRC’s strategies and activities to reaffirm, clarify, and strengthen international humanitarian law with regard to weapons of humanitarian concern, new technologies of warfare and the conduct of hostilities.
Laurent worked in the ICRC Legal Division in various positions since 2008, including Legal Adviser to Operations, and Senior Legal Adviser and Cyber Team Leader. From 2013 to 2020, he was the file holder for the rules governing the conduct of hostilities under international humanitarian law, including their application during urban warfare, cyber operations, and outer space operations, on which he publishes regularly.
Laurent began his career at the ICRC in 1999 and held several positions in conflict areas, in Israel and the Occupied Territories, Eritrea, Afghanistan, and as Deputy Head of Delegation in Nepal. He served as Diplomatic Adviser to the ICRC Presidency from 2005 to 2008. Prior to joining the ICRC, Laurent became attorney-at-law in Geneva and worked at the Public and Administrative Law Court of the Canton de Vaud. He holds a Degree in Law from the University of Geneva and a Masters in International Law from the Graduate Institute of International Studies (Geneva, Switzerland).
Posts by the contributor
A steppingstone for more? Progress on the protection of civilian populations from ICT activities during armed conflict
11 mins read Analysis / Communications / Conduct of Hostilities / Generating Respect for IHL / New Technologies / Technology in Humanitarian Action Laurent Gisel & Tilman Rodenhäuser
Protecting civilians in conflict: the urgency of implementing the Political Declaration on Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas
9 mins read Analysis / Generating Respect for IHL / IHL / Influencing Behaviour in Armed Conflict / Urban warfare / Weapons Laura Boillot, Laurent Gisel, Paul Holtom, Frederik Siem, Dina Abou Samra & Juliana Helou van der Berg
Protecting civilians against digital threats: four worrying trends and recommendations to address them
11 mins read Analysis / New Technologies Cordula Droege, Laurent Gisel, Tilman Rodenhäuser & Joelle Rizk
Signaling legal protection in a digitalizing world: a new era for the distinctive emblems?
11 mins read Analysis / Generating Respect for IHL / Health care / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict Tilman Rodenhäuser, Laurent Gisel, Larry Maybee, Hollie Johnston & Fabrice Lauper
Urban warfare: an age-old problem in need of new solutions
17 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / Urban warfare Laurent Gisel, Pilar Gimeno Sarciada, Ken Hume & Abby Zeith
Cyber attacks against hospitals and the COVID-19 pandemic: How strong are international law protections?
12 mins read Analysis / COVID-19 and conflict / Health Care / Human Costs of Cyber / Law and Conflict / New Technologies Kubo Mačák, Tilman Rodenhäuser & Laurent Gisel
Cyber operations and international humanitarian law: five key points
10 mins read Analysis / Cyber / Human Costs of Cyber / Law and Conflict / New Technologies Laurent Gisel & Tilman Rodenhäuser
Potential human costs of cyber operations—Key ICRC takeaways from discussion with tech experts
11 mins read Conduct of Hostilities / Human Costs of Cyber / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / New Technologies / The most read blog posts in 2019 Laurent Gisel & Lukasz Olejnik
The potential human cost of cyber operations: Starting the conversation
14 mins read Analysis / Cyber / Human Costs of Cyber / Law and Conflict / Religion Laurent Gisel & Lukasz Olejnik