Fiona Terry

Fiona Terry has worked for over two decades in humanitarian operations in different parts of the world including Northern Iraq, Somalia, the Great Lakes region of Africa, Liberia, Sudan, Myanmar, Nepal and Afghanistan, principally for Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
She holds a Ph.D. in international relations and political science from the Australian National University and is the author of Condemned to Repeat? The Paradox of Humanitarian Action (Cornell University Press, 2002), which won the 2006 Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order.
She is now heading the ICRC’s centre for operational research and co-led the Roots of Restraint in War study.
Posts by the contributor
Harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence to uncover patterns of violence
9 mins read Analysis / Artificial Intelligence and Armed Conflict / Humanitarian Action / New Technologies Fiona Terry & Fabien Dany
Taking action, not sides: the benefits of humanitarian neutrality in war
8 mins read Back to basics: humanitarian principles in contemporary armed conflict / Humanitarian Action / Humanitarian Principles Fiona Terry
Behind the scenes: The Roots of Restraint in War study
11 mins read Armed Groups / Generating Respect for IHL / Humanitarian Action / Influencing Behaviour in Armed Conflict / Law and Conflict / Religion / Sexual Violence Fiona Terry & Brian McQuinn