Joint Blog Series: Better safe than sorry: Transferring detainees safely to Coalition Partners January 20, 2019 3 mins read Detention / Joint Blog Series / Law and Conflict / Migration / Torture Tilman Rodenhäuser Over the weekend, the third post in our Joint Series was published by Lawfare—Better safe than sorry: Transferring ...
The principle of non-refoulement in the migration context: 5 key points March 30, 2018 10 mins read Detention / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / Migration / The most read blog posts in 2018 / Torture Tilman Rodenhäuser The current discussions on the Global Compact for Migration and the Global Compact on Refugees ...
Old pains, new demons: Thinking torture and dignity today July 7, 2017 7 mins read Humanitarian Action / Interviews / Torture Brad Evans What is torture today? How should we respond to it? On the occasion of the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, ...
Torture: Primer on a wrong and illegal practice January 27, 2017 5 mins read Law and Conflict / Primers / Torture Ellen Policinski The ICRC’s position on torture is clear: torture and other forms of cruel, inhuman, degrading or humiliating treatment are banned under international law. ...