GCIII Commentary: ten essential protections for prisoners of war July 23, 2020 10 mins read Analysis / Detention / GCIII Commentary / Law and Conflict Cordula Droege The Third Geneva Convention is the most comprehensive legal framework protecting prisoners of war. Adopted in 1949 against the backdrop of immense suffering ...
Deprived of freedom: how detainees in conflict zones could benefit from a ‘triple nexus’ approach July 9, 2020 9 mins read Analysis / Detention / Humanitarian Action Colin Walch Detainees are among the most vulnerable groups in society, particularly in fragile and conflict-affected regions. How governments treat the people they detain in ...
Structural disconnects between algorithmic decision-making and the law April 25, 2019 8 mins read Artificial Intelligence and Armed Conflict / Conduct of Hostilities / Detention / Law and Conflict / New Technologies Suresh Venkatasubramanian Editor’s note: There are disconnects between how algorithmic decision-making systems work and how law works, according to ...
The viability of data-reliant predictive systems in armed conflict detention April 8, 2019 10 mins read Artificial Intelligence and Armed Conflict / Detention / Law and Conflict / New Technologies Tess Bridgeman Editor’s note: In this post, Tess Bridgeman continues the discussion on detention and the potential use of ...
The need for clear governance frameworks on predictive algorithms in military settings March 28, 2019 13 mins read Artificial Intelligence and Armed Conflict / Detention / Law and Conflict / New Technologies Lorna McGregor Editor’s note: In this post, as part of the AI blog series, Lorna McGregor continues the discussion on ...
Detaining by algorithm March 25, 2019 11 mins read Artificial Intelligence and Armed Conflict / Detention / Law and Conflict / New Technologies Ashley Deeks Editor’s note: As part of this AI blog series, several posts focus on detention and the ...
Joint Blog Series: Better safe than sorry: Transferring detainees safely to Coalition Partners January 20, 2019 3 mins read Detention / Joint Blog Series / Law and Conflict / Migration / Torture Tilman Rodenhäuser Over the weekend, the third post in our Joint Series was published by Lawfare—Better safe than sorry: Transferring ...
5 operational realities of detention in contemporary armed conflict November 30, 2018 12 mins read Counterterrorism / Detention / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / Terrorism and IHL Laurent Saugy & Tilman Rodenhäuser Hidden behind thick walls and barbed wire, detention realities are generally little known to the ...
Administration of justice by armed groups: Some legal and practical concerns November 22, 2018 13 mins read Analysis / Armed Groups / Detention / Law and Conflict / Religion Ezequiel Heffes Geneva Call recently issued a report on challenges faced by armed non-State actors (ANSAs) in ...
Detention and armed conflicts: Exploring realities and remedies September 10, 2018 9 mins read Detention / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / Sexual Violence Helen Durham The honour of delivering one of the opening speeches at the Sanremo Roundtable on the ...
Essay Competition: Sanremo New Voices in IHL April 16, 2018 3 mins read Call for papers / Detention / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / The most read blog posts in 2018 On the occasion of the 41st Round Table on Current Issues of International Humanitarian Law ...
The principle of non-refoulement in the migration context: 5 key points March 30, 2018 10 mins read Detention / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / Migration / The most read blog posts in 2018 / Torture Tilman Rodenhäuser The current discussions on the Global Compact for Migration and the Global Compact on Refugees ...