How does law protect in war? Online April 8, 2016 2 mins read Events and highlights / Law and Conflict / Online publications The ICRC’s core publication on teaching international humanitarian law (IHL) is available online, providing academics, ...
e-Briefing: Sexual violence in armed conflict April 8, 2016 1 mins read Gender and conflict / Online publications / Sexual Violence This e-briefing is based on the issue 894 of the International Review of the Red ...
e-Briefing: New technologies and the modern battlespace April 8, 2016 1 mins read Law and Conflict / Online publications In recent years, a wide array of new technologies have entered the modern battlefield, giving rise to new means and methods of warfare, ...
e-Learning: Understanding detention April 8, 2016 2 mins read Law and Conflict / Online learning The online course, originally developed by the ICRC for its own delegates, seeks to provide users with a basic understanding of what happens ...
e-Learning: Health care in danger, the legal framework April 8, 2016 2 mins read Law and Conflict / Online learning This e-learning module provides an introduction to the laws governing health care services in armed conflict, and explains why health-care workers need protection. ...
e-Learning: Rights and responsibilities of health care personnel April 8, 2016 2 mins read Law and Conflict / Online learning This online learning module provides an in depth explanation of the principles and ethical considerations that underpin the work of health workers during ...
e-Learning: The basic rules and principles of IHL April 7, 2016 2 mins read Law and Conflict / Online learning The ICRC has recently updated its introductory e-learning course on IHL, featuring additional content, and improvements in the design, pedagogy and interface. This ...