Behind the scenes: Updated commentary on the First Geneva Convention February 1, 2017 5 mins read ICRC Commentaries / Law and Conflict / Online publications / Sexual Violence Jean-Marie Henckaerts Last month saw the publication of the updated Commentary on the First Geneva Convention which ...
Taking the high road in military operations October 19, 2016 7 mins read Counterterrorism / Events and highlights / Law and Conflict Andreas Kaufmann Many of today’s armed conflicts involve opponents who significantly differ in terms of military capacity ...
Translating IHL into military operations September 15, 2016 6 mins read Events and highlights / Law and Conflict The editors Most of today’s armed conflicts are characterized by asymmetry between the parties. When faced with opponents who significantly differ in terms of military ...
Generating respect for the law in Africa August 31, 2016 11 mins read Events and highlights / Law and Conflict Margherita D’Ascanio The majority of armed conflicts being fought on the African continent are classified as non-international armed conflicts, and are characterized by the presence ...