Casualty recording in and for the modern age: Why standards matter November 8, 2016 10 mins read Analysis / Events and highlights / Humanitarian Action Hamit Dardagan & John Sloboda In peacetime and wartime alike, it is not sufficient to ask “how many died,” but also “who died”. Casualty recording is a systematic ...
Humanitarianism at breaking point? New roles for local and international actors August 19, 2016 13 mins read Humanitarian Action / Review-related Claudia McGoldrick Is humanitarianism really at breaking point? The gap between today’s overwhelming needs and the constraints on international humanitarian actors’ efforts to address them, ...
Enabling local communities through Digital Response Networks May 19, 2016 8 mins read World Humanitarian Summit Jennie Phillips If the international community clearly sees the importance of “Putting people at the centre”, it seems less ready to do so. Here’s a ...
Introducing Humanitarian Law & Policy May 19, 2016 3 mins read Sexual Violence / World Humanitarian Summit Raphaël Dallaire Ferland & Vincent Bernard Today marks the launch of Humanitarian Law & Policy, a digital forum for those concerned with how to better protect and assist people affected by conflict and violence. ...