Signaling legal protection during cyber warfare: an authenticated digital emblem September 21, 2021 8 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / New Technologies Felix E. Linker & David Basin Warfare increasingly takes place in cyberspace. Consequently, the question arises how a digital analogy of ...
Biometrics in humanitarian action: a delicate balance September 2, 2021 10 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / New Technologies Vincent Graf Narbel & Justinas Sukaitis When biometrics enters the news cycle, it is usually in the context of a critical discussion on the risks versus the benefits – ...
The future is now: artificial intelligence and anticipatory humanitarian action August 19, 2021 7 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / New Technologies Christopher Chen As the world faces simultaneous disasters and burgeoning risks, humanitarian actors need to develop more efficient ways of delivering aid to vulnerable populations. ...
The value (and danger) of ‘shock’ in regulating new technology during armed conflict August 12, 2021 10 mins read Humanitarian Action / New Technologies Neil C. Renic The rules and standards of war are not self-correcting. Contradictions, gaps, and ambiguities often endure until an external pressure makes them salient. This ...
Drones and distrust in humanitarian aid July 22, 2021 12 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / New Technologies Faine Greenwood Drones are an increasingly common tool in humanitarian aid, but issues revolving around public perception and trust continue to slow their global rollout ...
Protective by design: safely delivering connectivity as aid July 8, 2021 11 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / New Technologies Rakesh Bharania & Mark Silverman Over the past decade, there has been a large and growing demand for digital services – such as ‘connectivity as aid’. Such services ...
Digital safe havens: sheltering civilians from military cyber operations July 1, 2021 6 mins read Analysis / Avoiding civilian harm during military cyber operations / Law and Conflict / New Technologies Isabelle Peart In the spring of 2021, the ICRC and Geneva Academy jointly organized a student essay ...
Future developments in military cyber operations and their impact on the risk of civilian harm June 24, 2021 10 mins read Analysis / Avoiding civilian harm during military cyber operations / Humanitarian Action / New Technologies Pete Renals Over the past decade, several States have begun to develop military cyber elements capable of ...
Assessing the risks of civilian harm from military cyber operations during armed conflicts June 22, 2021 10 mins read Analysis / Avoiding civilian harm during military cyber operations / Humanitarian Action / New Technologies Ellie Shami How can countries at war assess the potential harm that cyber operations may cause to ...
Stepping into the breach: military responses to global cyber insecurity June 17, 2021 11 mins read Analysis / Avoiding civilian harm during military cyber operations / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / New Technologies Noëlle van der Waag-Cowling As the global geo-political landscape continues to experience increasing fragmentation, cyberspace grows in importance as ...
Avoiding civilian harm during military cyber operations: six key takeaways June 15, 2021 11 mins read Analysis / Avoiding civilian harm during military cyber operations / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / New Technologies / Religion Kubo Mačák & Ewan Lawson In today’s armed conflicts, cyber operations are increasingly used in support of and alongside kinetic ...
A humanitarian duty to integrity April 8, 2021 7 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / New Technologies Sean McDonald The digital transformation of humanitarian operations raises (at least) two existential issues: one, how do humanitarians preserve what is unique about their work ...