Detention and armed conflicts: Exploring realities and remedies September 10, 2018 9 mins read Detention / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / Sexual Violence Helen Durham The honour of delivering one of the opening speeches at the Sanremo Roundtable on the ...
Joint series: Restricting medical personnel, units, and transports to ‘light individual weapons’ February 21, 2017 2 mins read Analysis / Conduct of Hostilities / Counterterrorism / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict In the first instalment of episode 2 in this multi-blog series on the updated Commentaries, ...
Introducing the second multi-blog series on the updated Geneva Conventions Commentaries February 21, 2017 2 mins read Analysis / Conduct of Hostilities / ICRC Commentaries / Law and Conflict The editors In order to bring to light the significance of the updated Commentary on the First Geneva ...
The evolution of warfare: Focus on the Law February 16, 2017 9 mins read Law and Conflict / Online publications / Review-related George Dvaladze How has warfare changed over the past 100 years? Is the international community still sufficiently equipped to reasonably minimize its negative effects on ...
Joint series: First thoughts from academia on the updated GCI Commentary July 22, 2016 2 mins read ICRC Commentaries / Law and Conflict Kevin Jon Heller In the third installment of episode 1 in this multi-blog series on the updated Geneva Conventions Commentaries, Professor Kevin Jon Heller responds to ...
Joint series: The role of the ICRC Commentaries in understanding international humanitarian law July 7, 2016 2 mins read ICRC Commentaries / Law and Conflict Sean D. Murphy In the second installment of episode 1 in this multi-blog series on the updated Commentaries, Professor Sean Murphy responds to Jean-Marie Henckaerts’ first ...
Joint series: Locating the Geneva Conventions Commentaries in the international legal landscape June 29, 2016 7 mins read ICRC Commentaries / Law and Conflict Jean-Marie Henckaerts Where do the ICRC Commentaries fit into the legal landscape? What are the rules governing treaty interpretation and how do they operate in ...
Introducing the first multi-blog series on the updated Geneva Conventions Commentaries June 22, 2016 6 mins read ICRC Commentaries / Law and Conflict / Sexual Violence Humanitarian Law & Policy, Intercross and Opinio Juris The updated Commentaries are an interpretive compass emerging from more than 60 years of application and interpretation of the Geneva Conventions. Over the ...
Launch of ICRC’s Updated Commentary on the First Geneva Convention April 14, 2016 4 mins read Events and highlights / Law and Conflict / Online publications / Sexual Violence / Videos The editors Since their adoption in 1949, the Geneva Conventions have been put to the test and ...