Carve-out in Kabul: hard won resolution lifts humanitarian roadblock in Afghanistan February 3, 2022 7 mins read Access / Analysis / Counterterrorism / Humanitarian Action / Humanitarian diplomacy Helen Durham & Christopher Harland On 22 December 2021, the United Nations Security Council voted unanimously to adopt a resolution ...
Space law revisited (3/3): The regime of international liability in space April 27, 2017 10 mins read Analysis / Law and Conflict / New Technologies Pavle Kilibarda Outer space is becoming an arena for technological shows of force – whether by deployment of spy satellites or testing of weapons. What ...
Space law revisited (2/3): Are weapons of mass destruction prohibited in space? December 21, 2016 8 mins read Analysis / Law and Conflict / New Technologies / Weapons Pavle Kilibarda Outer space is becoming an arena for technological shows of force – whether by deployment of spy satellites or testing of weapons. What ...
Space law revisited (1/3): The notion of ‘peaceful uses’ and the Outer Space Treaty November 7, 2016 9 mins read Analysis / Law and Conflict / New Technologies Pavle Kilibarda Outer space is becoming an arena for technological shows of force – whether by deployment of spy satellites or testing of weapons. What ...