Deploying OSINT in armed conflict settings: law, ethics, and the need for a new theory of harm December 5, 2023 16 mins read Analysis / Cybersecurity and data protection in humanitarian action / Human Costs of Cyber / IHL / New Technologies / Technology in Humanitarian Action Ed Millett The deployment of open-source intelligence, or OSINT – information gathered from publicly available data sources ...
Protecting civilians against digital threats: four worrying trends and recommendations to address them October 19, 2023 11 mins read Analysis / New Technologies Cordula Droege, Laurent Gisel, Tilman Rodenhäuser & Joelle Rizk In situations of armed conflict, access to digital technology can save lives. But the use of cyber, information, and other digital operations by ...
8 rules for “civilian hackers” during war, and 4 obligations for states to restrain them October 4, 2023 12 mins read Analysis / Law and Conflict / New Technologies Tilman Rodenhäuser & Mauro Vignati As digital technology is changing how militaries conduct war, a worrying trend has emerged in which a growing number of civilians become involved in ...
‘Back to basics’ with a digital twist: humanitarian principles and dilemmas in the digital age February 2, 2023 14 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / Humanitarian Principles / Humanitarian principles in contemporary armed conflict / New Technologies Pierrick Devidal The digital transformation has been a key vector of progress for the humanitarian sector. It ...
Safeguarding humanitarian organizations from digital threats October 13, 2022 9 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / New Technologies Tilman Rodenhäuser, Balthasar Staehelin & Massimo Marelli For decades, there has been consensus in the international community that in times of armed ...
The SolarWinds hack: lessons for humanitarians March 18, 2021 9 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / Humanitarian Principles / New Technologies Massimo Marelli As humanitarian organizations become more active in and reliant upon new technologies and the digital ...
Hacking humanitarians: operational dialogue and cyberspace June 4, 2020 11 mins read Analysis / Human Costs of Cyber / Humanitarian Action / New Technologies Massimo Marelli & Martin Schüepp As humanitarian organizations become more active in and reliant upon new technologies and the digital ...
Hacking humanitarians: mapping the cyber environment and threat landscape May 7, 2020 12 mins read Analysis / Human Costs of Cyber / Humanitarian Action / New Technologies Massimo Marelli & Adrian Perrig As humanitarian organizations become more active in and reliant upon new technologies and the digital ...