The Geneva Conventions at 75: what was the role of the International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in securing protection for civilians? October 22, 2024 15 mins read Analysis / Generating Respect for IHL / History / IHL / Special Themes / The Geneva Conventions at 75 Ellen Policinski The 34th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent will take place 28-31 ...
War, law and humanity: the role of the ICRC in international armed conflicts February 16, 2023 12 mins read Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict Melina Fidelis The international armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine has seen the involvement of several humanitarian organizations on the ground – including the International ...
Looking for answers: accounting for the separated, missing and dead in international armed conflicts April 11, 2022 14 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict Helen Obregón Gieseken & Ximena Londoño Armed conflicts affecting all regions of the world today continue to result in the separation of families and in people going missing and ...
A new Solferino moment for humanitarians February 10, 2022 11 mins read Analysis / History / Humanitarian Action Hugo Slim This year marks the 160th anniversary of the publication of Henri Dunant’s classic text, ‘A Memory of Solferino’, in 1862. Dunant’s powerful book ...
Walking the talk on SGBV: an implementation checklist to narrow the gaps between international law and domestic practice November 25, 2021 11 mins read Analysis / Gender and conflict / Generating Respect for IHL / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / Sexual Violence Rachael Kitching, Vanessa Murphy & Kelisiana Thynne Thirty years ago today, 23 women launched the ‘16 Days of Action’ against gender-based violence.[1] ...
Signaling legal protection in a digitalizing world: a new era for the distinctive emblems? September 16, 2021 11 mins read Analysis / Generating Respect for IHL / Health care / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict Tilman Rodenhäuser, Laurent Gisel, Larry Maybee, Hollie Johnston & Fabrice Lauper The use of digital technology in armed conflict is rising sharply. Such developments come with ...