A safety net for prisoners of war: five key principles of the Third Geneva Convention April 27, 2023 11 mins read Detention / GCIII Commentary / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict Yvette Issar After the Second World War, countries came together to improve the legal protection available to ...
On trial: the Third Geneva Convention and judicial guarantees for prisoners of war June 23, 2022 13 mins read Analysis / GCIII Commentary / Generating Respect for IHL / Law and Conflict Yvette Issar The first prisoners of war (POWs) in the international armed conflict in Ukraine have been ...
Behind the scenes: Updated commentary on the First Geneva Convention February 1, 2017 5 mins read ICRC Commentaries / Law and Conflict / Online publications / Sexual Violence Jean-Marie Henckaerts Last month saw the publication of the updated Commentary on the First Geneva Convention which ...
Joint series: Locating the Geneva Conventions Commentaries in the international legal landscape June 29, 2016 7 mins read ICRC Commentaries / Law and Conflict Jean-Marie Henckaerts Where do the ICRC Commentaries fit into the legal landscape? What are the rules governing treaty interpretation and how do they operate in ...