Mogadiscio, station de radio Mustaqbal. Le CICR et le Croissant-Rouge de Somalie collaborent avec une station de radio locale pour encourager l'adoption de gestes quotidiens qui aideront à éradiquer certaines infections, comme les diarrhées aiguës ou le choléra. Une actrice en plein enregistrement. Mogadishu, Mustaqbal radio station. The ICRC and the Somali Red Crescent Society are working with a local radio station to encourage everyday habits that will help keep diseases, like acute watery diarrhea and cholera, away. An actress recording. Mandeq Ali est l’une des voix féminines pour le spot radiophonique destiné à encourager les visites régulières dans les cliniques du Croissant-Rouge de Somalie pour les soins prénataux. Galerie photos sur le site web du CICR, 17.01.2018 : « Somalia: Preventive care using radio. […]Radio continues to enjoy the highest reach in Somalia compared to other forms of media. The ICRC together with the Somali Red Crescent Society (SRCS) are working with local radio to promote hygiene and safety within the Somali communities. […]Three radio spots will run on local radios across Somalia. In 2017, according to figures from cholera treatment centres run by the ICRC, a total number of 10,728 acute watery diarrhea patients were treated while 61 people died as a result of the disease. » Mandeq Ali is one of the female voices for the radio spot to encourage regular visits to the Somali Red Crescent clinics for antenatal care. ICRC website photo gallery, 17.01.2018 : « Somalia: Preventive care using radio. […]Radio continues to enjoy the highest reach in Somalia compared to other forms of media. The ICRC together with the Somali Red Crescent Society (SRCS) are working with local radio to promote hygiene and safety within the Somali communities. […]Three radio spots will run on local radios across Somalia. In 2017, according to figures from cholera treatment centres run by the ICRC, a total number of 10,728 acute watery diarrhea patients were treated while 61 people died as a result of the disease. »