Nouvelle série du blog : Voix émergentes

Après la publication du numéro de la Revue internationale de la Croix-Rouge sur le même thème, nous avons le plaisir d’annoncer le lancement d’une nouvelle série du blog, « Voix émergentes ». Cette initiative vise à mettre en lumière de nouvelles perspectives et des idées innovantes dans le domaine du droit international et des politiques humanitaires.

Pourquoi votre voix est importante

Avec cet appel à contribution, nous voulons mettre en avant des « voix émergentes » – de jeunes universitaires, des personnes en début de carrière, et d’autres profils de personnes qui commencent à acquérir une expertise dans leur domaine. Nous invitons ces personnes à apporter de nouvelles perspectives, qui remettent en question les conceptions traditionnelles et proposent des solutions innovantes pour résoudre des problèmes complexes. Tout en cherchant à favoriser un véritable dialogue à échelle mondial, nous encourageons plus particulièrement les contributions de régions du monde qui sont souvent mal représentées dans les débats internationaux. En mettant l’accent sur ces voix émergentes, nous souhaitons instaurer un dialogue qui tienne davantage compte des évolutions et de la diversité dans notre domaine.

Nous sommes convaincus de la pertinence d’une réflexion collective et de l’importance d’entendre des voix différentes pour l’avenir de l’action humanitaire. Par conséquent, nous lançons cet appel aux professionnels, aux universitaires et aux passionnés pour apporter leurs opinions et leurs analyses.

Qu’est-ce qui nous intéresse ?

We are committed to enriching dialogue and expanding the breadth of knowledge in International Humanitarian Law (IHL). To achieve this, we invite you to submit articles that meet the following criteria:

  • Originality and Innovation: Your article should present unique and forward-thinking arguments that push the boundaries of current discourse. We value creativity and the ability to approach complex issues from new angles.
  • Stand-alone Contributions: Each submission should be robust and complete enough to stand on its own. This means it should be well-researched and reflective of personal scholarship. Whether it’s grounded in rigorous academic research, professional practice, or personal experiences in the field, your contribution should provide substantial insight and value.
  • Diversity in Topics and High-Quality Argumentation: While we encourage a variety of topics related to IHL, all contributions must maintain a high standard of argumentation. They should be well-argued, thoroughly supported, and capable of contributing significantly to ongoing and future debates in the field.
  • Impact on Future Debates: We are particularly interested in articles that have the potential to influence future discussions and policymaking in humanitarian law. Whether through proposing new frameworks, reinterpreting existing laws, or sharing groundbreaking case studies, your work should aim to make a lasting impact.

Directives pour soumettre votre contribution

  • Length: Your blog post should contain between 1,500 and 1,800 words. Should you wish to deviate from this range, please discuss it with the editors prior to submission.
  • Title: The title of your post is crucial. It should immediately convey the essence of your article in a clear and concise manner. A well-crafted title determines whether someone will read your post. It appears in email subject-headings, on Google searches, and when shared on social media. Keep your title short and interesting, ideally between 40–80 characters, and no more than 110 characters in length.
  • Abstract: Begin your post with an abstract that introduces and highlights your main points to the reader. The abstract should be italicized and consist of two paragraphs: the first should lay the groundwork by setting the scene or providing the backdrop of your argument; the second should include your name, affiliation, and key takeaway.
  • Format: Structure your post with clarity and depth. Use short paragraphs and meaningful subheadings to keep the content accessible. Avoid overly long sentences. If your post spans multiple main points, consider using section breaks with titles or submitting a series of posts on the same topic to maintain clarity and focus.
  • Visuals: Enhance your narrative by including relevant images, infographics, or videos. These visuals should complement and enrich the content of your post.
  • Languages: We welcome submissions in Arabic, English, French, and Spanish to reflect our diverse global community.

Notre politique éditoriale

A submission should fall within the scope of the blog’s subject matter and be in a style suited to the blog’s audience. It should be rigorous, evidence-based, engaging and newsworthy.

A submission should not:

  • Have the primary purpose of undermining the ICRC and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement,
  • Contain claims or information which could risk the safety of ICRC personnel or operations in the field,
  • Have the primary purpose of denunciating a party to the conflict.

All blog contributors are expected to take note and follow the blog’s editorial policy. The editorial team reserves the right to reject a submission if it falls outside of the blog’s editorial line.

Soumettre votre contribution

Please email your contributions as Word document, along with your CV to blog’s Editor-in-Chief, Elizabeth Rushing at Ensure your submission includes the author’s name, short biography, and headshot to create your author profile. For any queries or further details, feel free to contact Elizabeth Rushing. Submissions are open until 31 October 2024.

By contributing to this series, you’re not just submitting an article — you’re amplifying your voice across a platform that reaches a global audience, including over 300,000 engaged minds connected through our various channels.

We look forward to reviewing your submissions and are confident that your innovative ideas will inspire our community, stimulate robust discussions in the field, and lead humanitarian law, policy and action into the future.