Yar Mohammad Yari

Yar Mohammad Yari is currently working as a National Legal Adviser for the ICRC delegation in Kabul, Afghanistan.
He has a master’s degree in public international law from Payam-e- Noor University of Iran, as well as a bachelor’s degree in philosophy. Yari has more than seven years of work experience with the ICRC and 10 years of experience with international humanitarian organizations and the government of Afghanistan. In addition, over the past 10 years, he served as a volunteer instructor of public international law, research methodology, international human rights law, and international humanitarian law in government and private universities in Kabul, Afghanistan.
Posts by the contributor
How do IHL and Islamic law protect and ensure humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan?
12 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / Religion Ioanna Voudouri, Ezat Gul & Yar Mohammad Yari