Sir Michael Aaronson

From 1995–2005 Mike was chief executive of Save the Children UK, having previously been the charity’s international director. His earlier career was in the UK Diplomatic Service, although he first worked in the relief action in Nigeria during the Biafran conflict. Mike is a founder member and was Chair of the Board of the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue in Geneva. An Honorary Fellow of Nuffield College, Oxford, he is also an Honorary Visiting Professor and Director of cii—the Centre for International Intervention—at the University of Surrey. He chairs the Research Councils UK (RCUK) Strategic Advisory Group for the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF).
Posts by the contributor
Refugees, migrants, IDPs: Protecting people on the move—without distinction
10 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / Migration / Sexual Violence Sir Michael Aaronson