Paul Reavley

Dr Paul Reavley is currently a full-time NHS consultant at Bristol Royal Infirmary and Bristol Royal Hospital for Children. He is President, Emergency Medicine Section, Royal Society of Medicine and Consultant Paediatric Emergency Medicine. He was a medical officer in the British Army for 18 years. Paul is one of the leads in the Paediatric Blast Injury Partnership and director of the Paediatric Blast Injury Field Manual project. When he isn’t working, he is obsessed with baking bread, in particular sour dough—another lesson he learned in Afghanistan—that pulling fresh bread from the oven and sharing with colleagues was a unifying and fortifying experience. As with trauma care, the satisfaction of achievement with a good loaf never fades.
Posts by the contributor
Bombs & blast waves: Why children in conflict need special care
9 mins read Analysis / Children in conflict / Humanitarian Action / Stories Paul Reavley