Mona Ali Khalil
Mona Ali Khalil, a former Senior Legal Officer with the UN Office of the Legal Counsel, is an internationally respected public international lawyer with 25 years of UN and other international experience. Her expertise includes UN peacekeeping, sanctions, disarmament and counter-terrorism.
She holds a BA and an MA from Harvard University as well as a Masters in Foreign Service and a Juris Doctorate from Georgetown University. She is an Affiliate of the Harvard Law School Program on International Law and Armed Conflict. Her chapter on the ‘Legal Aspects of the Use of Force by United Nations Peacekeepers for the Protection of Civilians’ appears in The Protection of Civilians in International Law published in 2016 by Oxford University Press.
In January 2018, she founded MAKLAW.ORG—an international legal advisory and consulting service—to assist governments and international organizations to secure their legal rights and fulfill their legal obligations.
Posts by the contributor
The world needs robust peacekeeping not aggressive peacekeeping
10 mins read Analysis / Conduct of Hostilities / Counterterrorism / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / The most read blog posts in 2018 Mona Ali Khalil