Marc DuBois

Marc DuBois is an independent humanitarian analyst and consultant based in London. Recent publications include The New Humanitarian Basics (ODI/HPG), Rapid Real-Time Review: DFID Somalia Drought Response and The Ebola Response in West Africa: Exposing the politics and culture of international aid(ODI/HPG). Marc is also a Senior Fellow at SOAS, University of London.
Prior to consulting, Marc spent 15 years at Médecins sans Frontières, becoming the Executive Director of MSF-UK/IE (2008-14). Marc blogs regularly at and can be found on twitter @humanicontraria
Posts by the contributor
The other side of trust
6 mins read Accountability / Humanitarian Action / Humanitarian Principles Marc DuBois
Humanitarian Action: The need to scale back, not up
9 mins read Humanitarian Action / Humanitarian Principles / The most read blog posts in 2019 Marc DuBois
Leaving people behind: Impartiality’s forgotten clause
7 mins read World Humanitarian Summit Marc DuBois